Bio Sci Majors Receive Research Awards

November 19, 2014

Student Research Awards-155

Ten undergraduate trainees from the Biological Sciences School Minority Sciences Programs (MSP) were selected to present their research findings at the 2014 Sigma Xi International Research Conference. Sigma Xi is the international honor society for scientists and engineers with nearly 60,000 members including more than 200 Nobel Prize-winning members. Biological Sciences School seniors Michelle Oberoi and Eden Barragan were two of the top presenters. More than 100 high school, undergraduate, and graduate students presented their research at this conference and three of the 24 ranked “Superior research poster presentations” were trained at MSP programs, including Michelle, Eden and chemistry major Christina Owens.

Michelle’s research, in the Cell Biology & Biochemistry category, was titled “Understanding the Role of Drebrin in Neuroblast Migration.” Michelle participated in the MSP MHIRT training program at King’s College London, under the advice of Dr. Giovanna Lalli. Michelle will be graduating in 2015.

Eden’s research, in the Cell Biology & Biochemistry category, was titled, “Effects of Serotonin on Seizures in DS and GEFS+ Knock-in Drosophila.” Eden is participating in the MSP MARC training program at UCI under the advice of Dr. Diane O’Dowd. Eden is also graduating in 2015.

Michelle, Eden and Christina received a certificate and a medal. In addition, all ten MSP presenters were nominated to become associate members of Sigma Xi. Read more.



If you’d like to learn more about you can support undergraduate and graduate students at the Biological Sciences School, please contact Andrew DiNuzzo at 949.824.2734 or

If you’d like to learn more about how you can support the faculty and research at the Biological Sciences School, please contact Andrew DiNuzzo at 949.824.2734 or