Dunlop School Professor Elected 2019 California Academy Fellow

October 15, 2019

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Chair and Professor James Hicks has been named a 2019 Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences. The Academy is based in San Francisco and consists of an aquarium, planetarium, rainforest, and natural history museum. Academy Fellows are partners and collaborators in the pursuit of the Academy’s mission to explore, explain, and sustain life. Professor Hicks joins 13 additional scientists from across California in this distinguished recognition of their contributions to the advancement of science. In addition to Professor Hicks’ groundbreaking research into the vertebrate cardiopulmonary system, he has also served as a successful science communicator, working in both television and film, notably as the life-science consultant on the Academy Award-winning film, Wall-E.


Professor Hicks and the 2019 class will join such well-known Academy Fellows as Jane Lubchenko, Paul Ehrlich, José Sarukhán, Peter Norvig, Jean Langenheim, Zeray Alemseged, Jill Tarter, and many more. Congratulations, Professor Hicks!