Celebrating Dr. M. Marlene Godoy’s Generosity and Commitment to Excellence

February 20, 2024

The School of Biological Sciences is pleased to announce a significant contribution to our school, reflecting the generosity and commitment to excellence that defines our community. Dr. M. Marlene Godoy, a Distinguished Alumna of the School of Biological Sciences, former Commencement Speaker and a longtime supporter of our mission, has once again demonstrated her unwavering dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and education.

Dr. Godoy recently committed to an additional estate gift, bringing the current value of her endowment to $3.5 million, and is a testament to her profound belief in the transformative power of education and research. Her ongoing support and legacy will not only enrich our academic programs and initiatives for many years to come but also serve as a beacon of inspiration for all who share our vision of shaping the future of biology and healthcare.

We appreciate Dr. Godoy’s generosity and recognize her as a model of philanthropic and planned giving. Through her contributions, she exemplifies the impact individuals can make in advancing scientific discovery and fostering educational excellence.

At the School of Biological Sciences, we are not only dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge but also committed to preparing the next generation of biologists, doctors and leaders who will confront society’s most pressing challenges. Our collective efforts in teaching, research and community engagement are made possible by the steadfast support of individuals like Dr. Godoy, whose contributions pave the way for transformative change.

As we celebrate Dr. Godoy’s gift, we are reminded of the tremendous potential that lies within each of us to make a meaningful difference in the world. 

On behalf of the School of Biological Sciences, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Godoy for her unwavering support and profound commitment to our shared values.