Diane O’Dowd receives Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant

May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010

Please join me in congratulating Diane O’Dowd for her recent grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The four-year award of $600,000 will continue Diane’s excellent work helping science faculty in developing effective teaching techniques while maintaining their careers in research. Diane is one of only thirteen faculty nationwide selected to receive grants as part of this special award program. She was originally named an HHMI Professor in 2006 and has received this highly selective continuation grant as recognition for her innovative efforts to promote science education on so many levels.

Additional information on the award can be found at the following links.

UCI Release: http://today.uci.edu/briefs/2010/05/nb_ODowd_100520.php
Foundation Center announcement: http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/news/story.jhtml?id=295300009

Again, congratulations to Diane for receiving this prestigious and well-deserved award.


Al Bennett Dean, School of Biological Sciences