The UCI Center for Complex Biological Systems proudly presents:
The 4th Annual Southern California Systems Biology Conference (SoCalSysBio)
co-sponsored by the UC San Diego Center for Systems Biology.
The conference will provide an opportunity for diverse research groups from leading Southern California academic campuses to showcase their current research activities and promote collaborative interactions in all areas of Systems Biology. The conference format will consist of short faculty talks and a poster session for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
Teaching Systems Biology Workshop
Supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute a workshop entitled “Teaching Systems Biology” will provide a forum for presentations by local universities/colleges and NIGMS-funded Systems Biology Centers (UCI, SBC NewYork and CSB Seattle, panel discussions and small group sessions to address current and future issues in education and training for interdisciplinary research.
The workshop program will reflect participants’ interests and include topics on curriculum development (high school/undergraduate/graduate level), core skills and interdisciplinary environments, training opportunities and prerequisites to promote success.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Arnold & Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, 100 Academy Way, Irvine
For conference and workshop program information and registration, please visit: