Has Gene-Editing the Human Germline Found Common Ground?

December 21, 2015

Peter DonovanOn December 1-3, the International Summit on Human Gene Editing kicked off its first meeting at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C.  The meeting was the first step in establishing its goals for the next year.  Over the next year, the committee will perform its own independent comprehensive review of the science and policy of human gene-editing.  It will solicit broad input from researchers, clinicians, policymakers and the public.  The committee’s report will provide underlying principles that may be adopted by any nation considering the development of guidelines for human gene-editing research.

On hand during the meeting was UCI Professor of Developmental and Cell Biology and expert on human development, Peter Donovan. Professor Donovan has authored a piece on this emerging technology that was featured in the Huffington Post.  For more information, follow the link.