James Hicks earns honorary doctorate from leading Danish university, meets the queen

September 25, 2012

Sept. 25, 2012

News Brief

Irvine, Calif., September 25, 2012 – UCI Associate Vice Chancellor for Research James Hicks received an honorary doctorate from Aarhus University in Denmark on Sept. 14. The professor of ecology & evolutionary biology has long collaborated with scientists at the Danish university, which is one of Europe’s top centers for biological study.

Hicks is a leading researcher in the field of comparative physiology; his specific area of study explores the evolutionary traits of cardiac systems of reptiles like crocodiles and turtles. He has spent significant time at Aarhus conducting seminars and helping faculty evaluate dissertation oral arguments, among other efforts.

Highlighting the ceremony, which is a part of Aarhus’ annual celebration, was an appearance by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Hicks said he had no idea that he’d been nominated by Aarhus’ science professors for the honor. ‘I was completely blown away and surprised,’ he said. ‘I did not anticipate this at all.’

Check out the video of Hicks receiving the prestigious award here: http://vimeo.com/49439903