The UC Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Marsh Reserve and the Orange County Water District recently partnered in installing three groundwater monitoring wells along the Marsh edge near the Arboretum on UCI’s North Campus. This effort is of huge benefit to the Marsh and the entire UC system because it provides a new opportunity for research in an area previously not available to study. While providing water to the sensitive wetlands, the three wells will allow groundwater sampling at 50, 100 and 150 feet below the surface.
“This is a truly exciting new research arena because it fills in a big blank in understanding groundwater in our area,” shares Professor Peter A. Bowler, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Faculty Director of the San Joaquin Marsh Reserve. “I think this will be an excellent chance to report new areas of research and a good collaboration between UC and and OCWD.”
The project is a result of collaboration between Professor Bowler, the Orange County Water District and UCI staff in Facilities.
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