Professor Timothy J. Bradley, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, worked alongside Gregory Yanega, Academic Coordinator for the Salton Sea Initiative, three other scientists and three graduate students traveled to the Borrego Springs Schools to meet with approximately 30 high school students in February. As a part of outreach efforts for the Salton Sea Initiative, Professor Bradley and colleagues provided expertise and mentorship to the about their science fair projects, helping them with questions and concerns. They will return to the Borrego Springs Schools in the spring as part of the judging panel when the students present their projects and their results. The Salton Sea Initiative also allows these high school students to contact biology graduate students through Skype if help is needed. Additionally, Professor Bradley and his team met with approximately 30 prospective middle school students who are in their initial stages of their science fair projects. The Salton Sea Initiative will continue outreach projects throughout the year ahead. Learn more about the initiative here
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