Student Spotlight: Bhavesh Patel

February 27, 2017

Bhavesh Patel is a third-year student majoring in biological sciences with a minor in medical anthropology.  He is a University of California Regent’s Scholar, who plans to pursue a career in medicine following the completion of his bachelor’s degree.

Bhavesh has excelled in his studies while at UCI.  In addition to being a Regent’s Scholar, he is a National Merit Scholar and a Dr. John R. Miltner/Irvine Health Foundation Annual Student Scholarship recipient.

Outside of his studies, Bhavesh has been deeply involved with undergraduate research. As a freshman, he was accepted into the Emergency Medical Research Associates Program (EMRAP). Through EMRAP, Bhavesh engages in clinical research with Dr. Mark I. Langdorf at UCI’s Level 1 Trauma center, interacting with patients, families, and physicians.  Bhavesh’s projects investigate the utility of Computed Tomography (CT) for blunt trauma patients, and studies the accuracy of ocular ultrasound in diagnosing retinal detachments.

Bhavesh has presented his research findings at multiple local and regional conferences.  In honor of his hard work, he has received an “Excellence in Research” award from the university and other small grants from the university’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.  In addition to the award recognition, Bhavesh’s research has been published in two peer-reviewed medical journals, and impressive accomplishment for an undergraduate.

Bhavesh’s hard work doesn’t stop in the classroom or at the bench.  He has also been extensively involved in community and campus service.  He is a volunteer for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and President of UCI’s Healing through Humanities club.  In addition, Bhavesh has a passion for serving rural and underprivileged communities and has traveled to rural Mexico and India to improve access to healthcare for the locals. These experiences have helped shape his passion for medicine, and he hopes to continue serving rural communities throughout his career.

Outside of curricular and extracurricular activities, Bhavesh is fascinated with Indian Classical Music, and studies and performs with various Indian percussion instruments, including the tabla and dholak. He is a member of the Dhwani Academy of Percussion Music in Irvine, and has furthered his studies in Indian Classical Music in India.