During the pandemic, I had to learn how to organize a virtual graduation ceremony that allowed students to celebrate their achievements together, invited family members to join, protected the event from bad actors who may zoombomb, and maintained the UCI brand name. It was an usual task for a faculty member but Wes helped me through the process. Wes readily provided me targeted UCI graphics. When I searched through the UCI collective, I was overwhelmed with the graphics available, and I soon realized that the graphics that Wes provided were much more relevant to my needs than any graphic in the UCI collective. Wes also pointed me toward the rules and regulations on how to maintain the UCI brand name and supported me though the technical aspects of live-streaming a zoom meeting to YouTube. This included impromptu text message alerts to provide me access to a YouTube account. I think Wes went beyond his job responsibilities to help me as I was also learning how to do new tasks during the pandemic. I’m very appreciate of his assistance. His cheerful, professional and accessible support eased the challenges of a stressful situation.
Wes Koseki – Professional and accessible
July 6, 2020