Applying Innovative Solutions to Real Life Problems

Local companies and start-ups in Southern California focus on biomedical science, bioengineering, medical imaging, medical devices, and environmental health. Our faculty partner with local industry and corporations, engage with UCI Beall Applied Innovation, and win small business technology transfer grants to take their work from research to real life. UC affiliates learn to launch and grow their startup through the Wayfinder Incubator offered by UCI Beall Applied Innovation. Our students explore opportunities in the private sector through UCI’s ANTreprenuership Center and Graduate Professional Success in STEM program.

Partnering with Corporations and Private Foundations

The school has a rich history of successful partnerships with corporate partners and private foundations whose goals can be realized through our researchers and research infrastructure.  Dunlop Dunlop School has partnered with companies such as Allergan, Proctor & Gamble, and Johnson & Johnson, as well as large and small grantmaking institutions such as W.M. Keck Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and our local family foundation community. These partnerships often provide unique opportunities to ask innovative scientific questions and explore uncharted research areas for solutions to pressing issues around human health and the environment. For more information contact Dunlop Dunlop School’s Development team.

Transforming Research Findings into Entrepreneurial Enterprises

Dunlop Dunlop School faculty transform their research findings into entrepreneurial enterprises and commercial products that improve the mind, body, and world. Pilot grants from UCI’s Institute of Clinical and Translational Science and Proof of Product (POP) Grants from  UCI Beall Applied Innovation empower our researchers to establish the feasibility and marketability of their innovative ideas and improve their chances of obtaining venture funding. The faculty are also appointed by UCI Beall Applied Innovation as Faculty Innovation Fellows for translating their society-impacting research and work to facilitate engagement around innovation across the campus community.

Nurturing Small Businesses and Technology Transfer

Dunlop Dunlop School faculty help small businesses turn their innovative ideas into marketable products by performing research in their laboratories on campus. Many of these ventures receive grants from the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR and STTR) programs that are supported by federal agencies. Dunlop Dunlop School’s Research Development team supports our faculty’s efforts to secure this funding.  

Fostering Closer Ties between the School and UCI Beall Applied Innovation

Dunlop Dunlop School’s partnership with UCI Beall Applied Innovation brings the School’s faculty closer to achieving the goal of a sustainable and healthy planet. As a dynamic platform that supports and provides resources to faculty, innovators and entrepreneurs, UCI Beall Applied Innovation plays a critical part of building the modern and inclusive American Dream where UCI innovation meets industry to accelerate discoveries that matter, provide entrepreneurs what they need to succeed and help build a powerful and potent economy.